Updates from Japan・日本でゴルフ
Hi, hope you’re all having a good summer! I want to first apologize for not updating the blog frequently. My keypad on my laptop broke and with moving, practicing, adjusting to Japan, I had a hard time securing time to sit and write. A lot has happened since the last post- first, I didn’t make it past 2nd stage of pro test in Japan :( It was really disappointing because I didn't play well at all, and when I think about it now, I really didn't prepare for it the way I wanted to. I turned professional in May, and ever since then, I feel like I had too much going on and was never fully focused on the "present." I think the hardest thing about becoming a professional athlete is dealing with uncertainty. I think it's different if you already have status on some tour and have a set schedule, but as for now, I am trying to get status for the following season, so nothing is really set. I remember complaining about uncertain schedule with college golf, but it's mu...