Mental Toughness Can Be Taught

" Q. So what do you understand mental toughness to mean? A. Mental toughness, to me, is your ability to keep doing what you’re supposed to be doing regardless of a situation, regardless of whether you’re physically or mentally fatigued. Because it hurts. High-level sport is uncomfortable. We try to teach the players to be to be comfortable at being uncomfortable." This is a short interview with Eddie Jones, the current head coach of the English rugby team. With 2019 Rugby World Cup still fresh in our minds, I read this article about Jones's philosophy on mental toughness. It was written in 2016 so it may be a little outdated from what he thinks now with his new accomplishments, but I still learned a lot, and I thought I'd share! I quoted the comment above because I couldn't agree more, and I personally felt relieved that it isn't just me that was feeling uncomfor...