
Showing posts from November, 2020


I changed my driver last July, and it really brought some eye-opening changes to my performance. This is my new (-ish) driver: PING G410 LST Model- Ping G410 LST Shaft- Diamana ZF50 Length- 45.25 inches Flexibility- Stiff Loft- 9° It brought my spin rate down from 3000-4000 to 1500-2500.  **I had an extremely high spin rate because I had (and still have a little bit) a tendency to flip my wrist at impact. How did my high spin rate affect my game? I didn't like the extremely high ball flight, and there was no roll. Also, I hit it drastically shorter when I was hitting into the wind.  I changed a few things with my swing, and I think that definitely helped lower my spin rate, thanks to Martin Cummins. However, I also believe that this driver is amazing and made it easier for me to commit to the new swing changes and lower the numbers. For those of you looking into lowering your spin rate, I would recommend this driver any day. Also, in my opinion, Ping drivers are extremely easy...

Fitline Restorate

Golf is physically strenuous than what most people think.  During training weeks, we do a 4-5 hour practice, then we play on the course, and on top of that, we have workouts at least 4 times a week.   During tournament weeks, we are at the course 6-8 hours, with tension and pressure, and with added stress about food and sleep (sorry hotels), we are even more tired.  Although the 2020 season was abridged, we still had 3 tournaments in a row in October. Saying that, once the seasons are back to normal, I may be competing for more consecutive weeks - which is why I am going to recommend this product from Fitline, Restorate.  I was a little skeptical at first to think that a vitamin powder mix will ease the fatigue I feel from daily training and tournaments, but I've taken it for over 4 months now and I definitely feel more energized.  In the past, I've tried many supplements and vitamin-related products but I couldn't feel the difference. This product was diff...

Fotoprotector ISDIN UV Mineral Brush SPF 50+ (日本語)

ずっと探してたSPF入りのパウダー、ついに発見! スペインのコスメ会社ISDINで、バルセロナに拠点があるらしいです。 ゴルファーは最低でも5,6時間を外で過ごすから日焼け防止は結構徹底したいので、この商品はだいぶおすすめ。下地も日焼け止め入りの使っているのですが(これも、後に紹介させていただきます)、パウダーは一番上につけるものだし、お昼時間とかもパパっと直せるからSPF入りのパウダーは最強だと思う。 ブラシも合体してるから、コンパクト! 色は一種類しかないけれど、日本人の肌にはきれいになじむと思います。 残念ながら、日本にはまだ店舗がないらしいです。 でも、amazon.jpで売っていたので、アマゾンからなら購入可能です! サイトチェックはこちらから アマゾンから購入はこちらから

Fotoprotector ISDIN UV Mineral Brush SPF 50+

Golfers are always exposed to the sun, and if you are a professional golfer, you are spending at least 5-6 hours of the day outside! It is a lot to take for the skin.  I've always been looking for a powder with SPF, and I finally found one that I like.  ISDIN is a Spanish dermatological brand with innovative products for your skin. I heard about it from my fellow Spanish professional golfers, and it's really good! Click here for Fotoprotector ISDIN UV Mineral Brush SPF 50+ You can read about what's in it and the benefits from the site above.  In my opinion, when you golf for a living, you cannot avoid the sun. I wear a bigger brim visor and use sunscreen that I am in love with (which I will introduce in another post) but still after a week of tournaments during summer, my skin tone is almost 3 shades darker than what I started with. On a tournament day, we spend something between 6-8 hours outside, if not longer.  Saying that this product is small enough to carry in ...