I changed my driver last July, and it really brought some eye-opening changes to my performance. This is my new (-ish) driver: PING G410 LST Model- Ping G410 LST Shaft- Diamana ZF50 Length- 45.25 inches Flexibility- Stiff Loft- 9° It brought my spin rate down from 3000-4000 to 1500-2500. **I had an extremely high spin rate because I had (and still have a little bit) a tendency to flip my wrist at impact. How did my high spin rate affect my game? I didn't like the extremely high ball flight, and there was no roll. Also, I hit it drastically shorter when I was hitting into the wind. I changed a few things with my swing, and I think that definitely helped lower my spin rate, thanks to Martin Cummins. However, I also believe that this driver is amazing and made it easier for me to commit to the new swing changes and lower the numbers. For those of you looking into lowering your spin rate, I would recommend this driver any day. Also, in my opinion, Ping drivers are extremely easy...