How I Practiced Indoors

2 months without being on the golf course is HARD, especially when you're used to golfing every day. But I'm happy to say that I haven't just been lying around. I've put some good practice in, and I feel like my game has gotten better even under lockdown. 

So what did I do?

My week looked like this. 

For putting technique I used the "VISIO template" and made a gate using sleeves of golf balls. At Mike Bender Golf Academy, we used to have this thing that looked like a mousetrap but I left it in Japan so I had to accommodate. I usually put an alignment rod on top of it, too, so I can work on my eye line.

For the long-game technique, I did the "x50 balls," which is a very effective and productive practice method I learned from Martin Cummins. With this drill, I only get 50 balls to work on my technique. Many golfers fall into the trap of overworking on their technique so this drill draws a strict line between technique and competition. 

I use the 50 balls to work on this. 
10 Balls Warmup
10 Balls Shoulder Turn
10 Balls Tempo
10 Balls Hit and Hold
10 Balls Integrate Parts 

Also, I used my yellow foam golf ball for this. 

For chipping, I usually did 10 minutes technique and 20 minutes ladder. I used real golf balls for this because I think "feel" is especially important for the short game. I wish I taped this but I didn't, so I'm going to post the one where I am working on "height-ladder" with a plastic ball.

Then my "hip-hip" was where I worked on my impact zone. It's all about speed and feeling how the ball is reacting to the clubface. I used a 4-iron for this because I couldn't risk the ball coming off the face too high. 

I would take full swings too, but I had to do it slowly so I wouldn't fly it over the mattress. 

It says "course" on some days, and that was when I would play virtual 18 holes. So I would switch clubs every shot, chip, and putt. Sometimes I would put something under the matt or under my feet to create subtle undulations to imitate the course. 

For workouts, I had Alvaro Zerolo help me out, and we tackled strength and speed. What I love about his workouts is that there is a clear reason why we're doing each workout. He specializes in golf so he was definitely a helpful resource for me. 

I got these bands from Amazon, and I am so glad I made the investment. Really useful, and can really substitute a lot with these things (squat, deadlift, pulls, etc). Also, I can take these to my travels in the future, so I really suggest getting these if you want to workout at home. 

If you'd like to learn more about Martin Cummins Golf Academy:

If you want to learn more about Dfisio workouts with Alvaro Zerolo:


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