Putting Gadget: Martin Cummins Putting Template

 What putting gadget do you use? 

I have quite some history of putting gadgets, but I've settled with these three for some time.

1. A putting template 

2. Mirror 

3. Metronome 

A putting template is extremely helpful to work on the path and build awareness for the putter's face. I like templates more than a board or an arc because it builds feel from within. Working to follow the path and the face angle on the template teaches us the right feeling of the stroke. The most important objective of these putting aids is to build the correct feel and movement, and templates are the best gadgets to hone this. 

I've used the Visio templates which I really liked, and right now, I am using the Martin Cummins putting template. I like this one because it has an arrow at the end, and it helps with my perception and correcting the eye-to-hole relationship. 

I also like a mirror because sometimes my foot weight veers towards my heels throughout the stroke. Maintaining my eye-line intact, helps me balance my weight even throughout the stroke. 

Lastly, I like to have my metronome set at 95, the same as for my long game. Having a consistent and reliable tempo will help smooth out the stroke, and putt without tension even under pressure. 


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