
So a little apology for not writing this up any earlier- I played the three day Pro Test and cut to the point, I didn't make it by 7 shots. I shot 78-72-78; after the second day, I almost thought I could maybe light up the third day and make it, but I just couldn't piece together my round. It's a bummer because I started the third day with a birdie, which probably was a good start if I needed to shoot underpar, but couldn't convert it for the better.

I'm not really disappointed, I think I played aggressively the third day as it was required, just had bad breaks and a lost ball (which was found later after the three minutes mark) on the third hole did not help the momentum out either. If anything, I wish I played better the first day so I didn't have to feel like I had to grind out every shot and putt for the remaining two days. I know my game isn't where I want to be yet and I knew it going into last week, so I'm not shocked or demoralized; I'm just going to accept how my game is now and am going to make a few amends for it to be better and closer to what I want it to be.

Also huge thanks to my family, friends, and coaches who helped me prepare for this event. Supportive comments and texts matter so much to me; distance has made it harder for me to keep in touch with everyone, but I am very thankful for the support!

I will keep you guys posted on what I'm going to do next, but for now I am playing in these two one-day events in Japan.

10/3 Amama Ladies Open


結果報告が遅れてしまい、ごめんなさい! 私は今年の9月のあたまに日本のプロテストにでさせていただきました。私は78-72-78で7打で通過できませんでした。本当に悔しいです。3日目に必死の挽回を試みようとしましたが、3日目もたたいてしまい、不甲斐ない結果に終わってしまいました。。3日目はバーディーでスタートしたので、アンダーパーでまわる必要がある私には良いスタートだったのですが、流れに乗ることができませんですた。





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