Off-Season Workout: Hypertrophy

We are almost through January, which is absolutely crazy. 

What have I been up to post Q-School?

I took a week off then started slowly re-engaging myself with the game. I usually like to take 1-2 weeks off when I have such a large gap, but I chose not to this year because I didn't go back to Japan. 

In Madrid, it has been really cold in the morning with some decent weather in the afternoon. Therefore, I have been putting a lot of work in the gym in the early mornings.

Heavy weights and many reps; they call this the "hypertrophy" phase of working out. 

We do this because we want to build muscle mass and strength.

For example, last week I was doing 5 sets, 15 reps of 70kg squats. I get really sore from these workouts, so it makes sense that we have to do it during the off-season. 

Also, my goal was to gain 2 kg by mid-February, but I have struggled a lot with that. 

I used an app called MyFitnessPal to track what I was eating, but it's really difficult for me to gain weight. I've been at 53kg since college, and this number has not fluctuated in a long time. 

One thing I did like about the app, however, is how it has recipes from all over the world. 

MyFitnessPal |


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